While orange is a bright color that might hinder an animal in the wild, it serves some purpose. It warns predators that the creature they are targeting may be poisonous or bitter, such as the monarch butterfly. Others have developed this coloration as camouflage thanks to their environment, like several tiger species. Some birds, like cock-of-the-rocks use their bright orange plumage to attract a mate.
List of Orange Animals
- Andean Cock-of-the-Rock
- Baltimore Oriole
- Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
- White-lined Tanager
- Common Tiger Butterfly
- Dorippus Tiger Butterfly
- Gulf Fritillary
- Jamaican Monarch Butterfly
- Lesser Wanderer Butterfly
- Malay Tiger Butterfly
- Milkweed Assassin Bug
- Monarch Butterfly
- Plain Tiger Butterfly
- Queen Butterfly
- Southern Monarch Butterfly
- Tropical Queen Butterfly
- Wanderer Butterfly
- Curled Octopus
- European Red Slug
- European Spider Crab
- Orange Baboon Tarantula
- Sea Cucumber
- Allard’s Anemonefish
- Australian Anemonefish
- Barber’s Anemonefish
- Barrier Reef Anemonefish
- Bubble Eye Goldfish
- Celestial Eye Goldfish
- Chagos Anemonefish
- Cinnamon Clownfish
- Clark’s Anemonefish
- Clown Anemonefish
- Common Goldfish
- Comet-tailed Goldfish
- Dragon Eye Goldfish
- False Clown Anemonefish
- Fancy Lionhead Goldfish
- Fancy Oranda Goldfish
- Fancy Pearlscale Goldfish
- Fancy Pompom Goldfish
- Fancy Veiltail Goldfish
- Fantail Goldfish
- Madagascar Anemonefish
- Maldive Anemonefish
- Maroon Anemonefish
- Mauritian Anemonefish
- Ocellaris Clownfish
- Oman Anemonefish
- Orange Anemonefish
- Orange-fin Anemonefish
- Pacific Anemonefish
- Panda Telescope Goldfish
- Pink Anemonefish
- Pink Skunk Anemonefish
- Ranchu Goldfish
- Red and Black Anemonefish
- Red Saddleback Anemonefish
- Ryukin Goldfish
- Saddleback Anemonefish
- Sebae Anemonefish
- Seychelles Anemonefish
- Shubunkin Goldfish
- Skunk Anemonefish
- Thielle’s Anemonefish
- Three-band Anemonefish
- Tomato Anemonefish
- Two-band Anemonefish
- White-bonnet Anemonefish
- Whitesnout Anemonefish
- Wide-band Anemonefish