Birds of Abkhazia

The geography of Abkhazia is quite diverse, with lowlands, mountains, and rivers. This has led to several birds, including gulls, terns, ducks, grebes, and geese, making this country their home.

Abkhazia is one of the major migration routes for many avian species like the Peregrine Falcon, the Great Egret, and the Golden Eagle, which can be seen from late summer to early fall. This acts as a significant source of revenue for the region in the form of tourists, mainly birdwatchers and ornithologists, traveling there to catch a glimpse of some rare birds. However, Abkhazia is only partially recognized as a nation and faces constant civil unrest, so enthusiasts prefer to travel to neighboring countries like Georgia instead. 

Birds of Abkhazia

List of Birds Found in Abkhazia



  • Golden Eagle
  • Eastern Imperial Eagle
  • Steppe Eagle
  • Greater Spotted Eagle
  • Lesser Spotted Eagle

Hawks and Falcons

  • Eurasian Sparrowhawk
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Montagu’s Harrier
  • Hen Harrier
  • Levant Sparrowhawk
  • Saker Falcon
  • Eurasian Buzzard
  • Rough-legged Buzzard


Herons and Egrets

  • Great Egret
  • Grey Heron
  • Little Bittern
  • Black-crowned Night Heron
  • Squacco Heron

Ducks, Geese, and Swans

  • Common Merganser
  • Marbled Teal
  • Ruddy Shelduck
  • Common Pochard
  • Lesser White-fronted Goose
  • Common Shelduck
  • Garganey
  • White-headed Duck
  • Red-crested Pochard
  • Greater White-fronted Goose
  • Smew
  • Tufted Duck
  • Greater Scaup
  • Eurasian Teal
  • Mallard
  • Mute Swan
  • Eurasian Wigeon
  • Gadwall


  • Demoiselle Crane
  • Common Crane

Rails and Crakes

  • Eurasian Moorhen
  • Common Moorhen
  • Spotted Crake
  • Little Crake
  • Water Rail


  • Eurasian Oystercatcher
  • Little Ringed Plover
  • Eurasian Dotterel
  • Northern Lapwing


  • Green Sandpiper
  • Wood Sandpiper
  • Common Redshank
  • Common Greenshank
  • Common Sandpiper

Gulls and Terns

  • Black-headed Gull
  • Yellow-legged Gull
  • Slender-billed Gull
  • Caspian Gull
  • Little Gull
  • Mediterranean Gull
  • Black Tern
  • Sandwich Tern
  • Common Tern

Auks and Grebes

  • Black-throated Diver
  • Great Crested Grebe
  • Red-necked Grebe
  • Black-necked Grebe
  • Little Grebe

Pigeons and Doves

  • Rock Dove
  • Eurasian Turtle Dove
  • Common Wood Pigeon
  • Namaqua Dove

Partridges and Pheasants

  • Chukar Partridge
  • Grey Partridge
  • Common Pheasant
  • Caucasian Black Grouse


  • Common Cuckoo


  • European Nightjar


  • Common Swift
  • Alpine Swift


  • Common Kingfisher


  • European Bee-eater


  • Common Hoopoe


  • Great Spotted Woodpecker
  • Middle Spotted Woodpecker
  • Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
  • Black Woodpecker
  • White-backed Woodpecker
  • Green Woodpecker


  • Eurasian Skylark
  • Horned Lark
  • Wood Lark
  • Greater Short-toed Lark
  • White-winged Lark
  • Calandra Lark

Swallows and Martins

  • Barn Swallow
  • Northern House Martin
  • Sand Martin


  • Meadow Pipit
  • Tree Pipit
  • Water Pipit
  • Yellow Wagtail
  • Citrine Wagtail
  • Tawny Pipit


  • White Wagtail
  • Yellow Wagtail
  • Citrine Wagtail


  • Song Thrush
  • Redwing
  • Mistle Thrush
  • Fieldfare
  • European Stonechat
  • Black-eared Wheatear
  • Northern Wheatear
  • Isabelline Wheatear
  • European Robin
  • Common Redstart
  • Black Redstart
  • Whinchat
  • Bluethroat
  • Eastern Stonechat
  • Common Rock Thrush
  • Ring Ouzel

Cisticolas and Warblers

  • Sedge Warbler
  • River Warbler
  • Marsh Warbler
  • Eurasian Reed Warbler
  • Great Reed Warbler
  • Grasshopper Warbler
  • Savi’s Warbler
  • Icterine Warbler
  • Garden Warbler
  • Blackcap
  • Whitethroat
  • Lesser Whitethroat
  • Common Whitethroat
  • Wood Warbler
  • Willow Warbler
  • Goldcrest
  • Greenish Warbler
  • Yellow-browed Warbler
  • Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
  • Booted Warbler
  • Blyth’s Reed Warbler
  • Barred Warbler
  • Olive-tree Warbler
  • Eastern Orphean Warbler

Nuthatches and Treecreepers

  • Eurasian Nuthatch
  • Krüper’s Nuthatch
  • Eurasian Treecreeper
  • Short-toed Treecreeper


  • Great Grey Shrike
  • Woodchat Shrike
  • Lesser Grey Shrike
  • Red-backed Shrike

Crows and Jays

  • Eurasian Jay
  • Eurasian Magpie
  • Carrion Crow
  • Common Raven


  • Common Starling
  • Rosy Starling

Sparrows and Finches

  • House Sparrow
  • Eurasian Tree Sparrow
  • Common Chaffinch
  • European Serin
  • European Greenfinch
  • European Goldfinch
  • Eurasian Siskin
  • Common Linnet
  • Twite
  • Eurasian Bullfinch


  • Corn Bunting
  • Ortolan Bunting
  • Black-headed Bunting
  • Rock Bunting
  • Cretzschmar’s Bunting
  • Reed Bunting
  • Yellowhammer


  • Eurasian Thick-knee

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