Turtles in Indiana

Indiana has several river systems, including the Blue, White, Maumee, and other rivers. Several freshwater turtles call the state home, including the Alligator Snapping Turtle, the Northern Map Turtle, and the Eastern Box Turtle.

Turtles in Indiana (IN)

Types of Turtles Found in Indiana

Snapping Turtles (Chelydridae)

Emydid Turtles (Emydidae)

Blanding’s Turtles

  •  Blanding’s Turtle

Spotted Turtles

Painted Turtles

Map Turtles

  • Northern Map Turtle
  • Ouachita Map Turtle
  • False Map Turtle
  • Mississippi Map Turtle


  • Hieroglyphic River Cooter

Box Turtles


Mud and Musk Turtles (Kinosternidae)

Softshell Turtles (Trionychidae)


Are there any endangered turtles in Indiana? 

Yes, the long-lived Blanding’s Turtle is at risk of extinction in its native range, including Indiana.

Is the Beast of Busco a real turtle?

As per urban legends in Indiana, the Beast of Busco was a giant snapping turtle in Churubusco. However, this turtle’s existence has never been confirmed, and it remains a cryptid.