Whale Memes

Going through memes have undoubtedly become our favorite past-time, so here are a few whale memes for you to have a ‘whale’ of a time!

1) I don’t always breach, but when I do, I make sure the camera is ready.

Whale Watching Memes

2) Whatcha talkin’ ’bout Whale-is?

Whale Shark Memes

3) Stop it! That tickles!

Whale Tail Memes

4)Are you gonna get out of the way or should I call Moby Dick?

Whale Meme

5) I don’t always breach, but when I do, I make sure right next to a tiny boat.

Whale Memes

6) That’s not why we’re called sperm whale, you perv!

Sperm Whales Memes

7)Hello human, are you another whale-wisher?

8) Do you know where the salt in your food comes from? Yeah well, joke’s on you.

Blue Whale Memes

9) Did that kid just…photobomb me?

Because as if land animals weren’t enough, we now like to delve into the ocean for a little dose of laughter!