Animals in Maryland

Maryland, one of the Mid-Atlantic states of the United States, houses a great number of animals and plants. Surrounded by the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, the state has an extended shoreline along with wetlands and rich forest habitats. The state’s wildlife comprises so much more than just blue crab and game fish, as it is home to around 90 species of mammals, 90 more reptiles and amphibians, and over 400 birds

The Assateague Island National Seashore and Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge are great places for observing birds, whether you want to see waterbirds or birds of prey. Assateague Island National Seashore also offers a closer look at the state’s wild horses and deer populations. The Catoctin Mountain Park allows you to watch wild animals like black bears and foxes.

Here is a list of the common and notable animals in the state. Most mammals, reptiles, and amphibians are native inhabitants. At the same time, some non-native fishes and insects call the place their home.

Animals in Maryland (MD)

List of Different Types of Animals Found in Maryland


Mammals like gray wolf, American elk, Eastern cougar, American marten, and Snowshoe hare used to live in Maryland, but their populations are now believed to be extirpated.





  • Striped Bass
  • Largemouth Bass
  • Smallmouth Bass
  • Maryland Darter
  • Bluefish
  • Summer Flounder
  • Spotfin Killifish
  • White Perch
  • Yellow Perch
  • Rock Fish
  • Channel Catfish
  • Flathead Catfish
  • Red Drum 
  • Black Drum
  • Shads
  • Chain Pickerel
  • Pumpkinseed Sunfish
  • Bluegill
  • Black Crappie
  • White Crappie
  • Rainbow Trout
  • Brown Trout
  • Brook Trout

It is common for sharks to visit the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, which is located partially in Maryland. Species like bull sharks and sandbar sharks are the most typical visitors.

Insects and Invertebrates

Brown recluses and black widows are also found in the state but are not native species.

State Animals of Maryland

State Animals of Maryland

State BirdBaltimore Oriole
State FishRock Fish
State InsectBaltimore Checkerspot Butterfly
State ReptileDiamondback Terrapin
State CrustaceanBlue Crab
State CatCalico Cat
State DogChesapeake Bay Retriever
State HorseThoroughbred Horse


What are the most dangerous animals in Maryland?

The deadly and venomous copperhead, timber rattlesnake, and black widow are some of the most dangerous animals in the state. Next on the list are the large carnivores like black bears and coyotes. Additionally, sharks are the deadliest animals in the coastal waters.

What are some endangered animals in Maryland? 

The endemic fish Maryland darter is considered endangered in the state along with three birds, the piping plover., roseate tern, red knot, and several clams and crustaceans.

What are some common invasive animals in Maryland?

Invasive species in the state include nutrias, mute swans, zebra mussels, and emerald ash borer.