Animals in Michigan

Michigan is one of the states in the Great Lakes region in the upper Midwestern United States. The state is divided into the Lower Peninsula and the Upper Peninsula. The Lower Peninsula features fertile plains, rolling hills, and numerous lakes, including the iconic Great Lakes. The Upper Peninsula, on the other hand, is characterized by rugged cliffs, dense forests, and stunning waterfalls, thanks to the situation of the Huron Mountains. This varied landscape offers a great place for the state’s flora and fauna to prosper.

The state has 5 national parks, with the Isle Royale National Park and Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore being two of the best options for getting a closer look at the state’s rich wildlife.

Animals in Michigan (MI)

List of Different Types of Animals Found in Michigan

The list mainly includes animals native to Michigan. Some birds, fishes, and insects may have settled populations in the state.


Some animals, like the moose and elk, have been reintroduced in Michigan, with their numbers being steady. Wolverines, cougars, and woodland caribous are two mammals whose population has been extirpated from the state.





  • Largemouth Bass
  • Small-mouth Bass
  • White Bass
  • Brook Trout
  • Channel Catfish
  • Flathead Catfish
  • Blue Catfish
  • Walleye
  • Bowfin
  • Yellow Perch
  • Northern Pike
  • Muskellunge
  • Longnose Gar
  • Spotted Gar
  • Bluegill
  • Freshwater Drum
  • White Crappie
  • Black Crappie
  • Sauger
  • Pink Salmon
  • Yellow Bullhead
  • Black Bullhead
  • Freshwater Drum
  • Redear Sunfish
  • Longear Sunfish
  • Pumpkinseed
  • Green Sunfish
  • Warmouth
  • Longnose Sucker
  • Lake Sturgeon
  • Sea Lamprey 

Insects And Invertebrates

  • Monarch Butterfly
  • Red Admiral
  • Paper Wasp
  • Murder Hornet
  • Smokey Brown Cockroaches
  • Green Stink Bug
  • Differential Grasshopper
  • Green Darner
  • Blue Dasher
  • Deer Ticks
  • Mosquitoes
  • Bed Bugs
  • Common House Fly
  • Black Widow Spider
  • Orb Weaver
  • Brown Recluse
  • European Garden Spider
State Animals of Michigan

State Animals of Michigan

State FishBrook Trout
State BirdAmerican Robin
State Game MammalWhite-Tailed Deer
State ReptilePainted Turtle


What are the most dangerous animals in Michigan?

Michigan has several deadly and venomous snakes and spiders like the eastern Massasauga, timber rattlesnake, black widow, and brown recluse. Ungulates like white-tailed deer and moose can also become quite threatening if provoked.

What are some of the rarest animals in Michigan?

Hundreds of native animals in Michigan are considered threatened or endangered by the State Government and, thus, are rarely seen. A few of these are the spotted turtle, marbled and small-mouth salamanders, and lake sturgeon.

What are some common invasive animals in Michigan?

Some common invasive animals threatening the state’s native wildlife include wild boars, nutria, Chinese mantis, spotted lanternfly, and zebra mussels.

What are some common nocturnal animals in Michigan?

Flying squirrels, bats, owls, raccoons, and coyotes are a few of the animals in Michigan you will likely encounter at night.