Animals in Virginia

Virginia (Commonwealth of Virginia) is a Mid-Atlantic US state along the eastern coast of the United States. It is located between the Appalachian Mountains in the southwest and the Atlantic Coast in the east. The state boasts a diverse terrain stretching from the Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah Valley to vast Atlantic coastal plains and Chesapeake Bay.

The state is home to rich flora and fauna, with its abundant wildlife attracting nature enthusiasts during different times of the year. The Shenandoah National Park, Appalachian Trail, and Great Falls Park are the most noteworthy of its wildlife sanctuaries. Here is a list of the common animals native to the state.

Animals in Virginia (VA)

List of Different Types of Animals Found in Virginia






  • Channel Catfish
  • Blue Catfish
  • Largemouth Bass
  • Smallmouth Bass
  • Striped Bass
  • Bluegill
  • White Crappie
  • Black Crappie
  • Brook Trout
  • Rainbow Trout
  • Brown Trout
  • Yellow Perch
  • White Perch
  • Chain Pickerel
  • Northern Pike
  • Muskellunge
  • Flathead Catfish
  • American Shad
  • Alewife
  • American Eel
  • Longnose Gar
  • Bowfin
  • Atlantic Menhaden
  • Golden Shiner
  • Warmouth
  • Redear Sunfish
  • Pumpkinseed
  • Redbreast Sunfish
  • Sandbar Shark
  • Bull Shark

Insects and Invertebrates

Virginia State Animals

State Animals of Virginia

State BirdNorthern Cardinal
State AmphibianRed Salamander
State SnakeEastern Garter Snake
State FishBrook Trout
State Saltwater FishStriped Bass
State InsectTiger Swallowtail Butterfly
State ShellEastern Oyster
State BatVirginia Big-eared Bat
State DogAmerican Foxhound


What are the most dangerous animals in Virginia?

Virginia has predatory animals like the brown bear and coyote among its native residents. There are three deadly snakes – the copperhead, cottonmouth, and timber rattlesnake. The venomous spiders, black widow, and northern recluse are also quite common in the state. 

Are there any endangered animals living in Virginia?

Many of Virginia’s wildlife species are considered threatened or endangered and are protected on a state or federal level. Some common threatened/endangered animals include eastern tiger salamander, bog turtle, green sea turtle, Bachman’s sparrow, Carolina northern flying squirrel, Virginia big-eared bat, and North Atlantic right whale.

What are the common invasive animals in Virginia?

Some common invasive species living in the state are the spotted lanternfly, red imported fire ant, and zebra mussels. Larger invasive species include wild hog and nutria.