Shane Newman

Ghost Ant

The Ghost Ant is an invasive species of tropical and subtropical ants that have been spread by humans, and are primarily found in parts of the United States. In fact, they are so widely... 

African Fat-tailed Gecko

The African Fat-tailed Gecko is a species of lizard abundantly spread throughout the western regions of the continent of Africa. Often confused with its close cousin, the Leopard Gecko,... 


The Phainopepla (pronunciation: fain-o-PEP-la), also known as the Northern Phainopepla, is a crested songbird with a long tail found in parts of the United States and Mexico. These... 

Blue Shark

The Blue Shark is a species of shark found almost everywhere in the world and is the most widely distributed shark species. It is one of the most easily recognizable sharks because... 

African Bush Elephant

The African Bush Elephant is the largest and heaviest of the land mammals in the world. They are scattered roughly throughout the savanna region of the African continent, and need a... 

Atlas Moth

The Atlas Moth is the world’s largest moth in terms of their wing surface area, and second largest by wingspan (only next to the white witch moth), endemic to the Southeast Asian... 

Hooded Seal

The Hooded Seal, also called the Bladder-nosed Seal, is a species of large silver-grey seal found in the cold waters of the Atlantic. The seal gets its name from the most prominent... 

Steller’s Sea Eagle

The Steller’s Sea Eagle is a species of northeastern Asian sea eagle that is considered to be the heaviest eagle in the world. Known for their elegant looks, dramatic coloration... 

Emerald Tree Boa

The Emerald Tree Boa is a non-venomous boa species that is considered to be one of the most beautiful snakes in the world. They are known for their cryptic emerald coloration from which...