Bats in Nebraska

There are 14 species of bats that are native to the state of Nebraska. The most common, i.e., the ones that interact with people the most, are the Big Brown Bat and the Little Brown Bat. The Hoary Bat is the largest, with a wingspan reaching up to 16 inches, while the Tricolored Bat is the smallest, with a wingspan of around 9 inches.

Bats in Nebraska (NE)

Different Types of Bats in Nebraska

Free-tailed Bats (Molossidae)

  • Mexican Free-tailed Bat

Vesper Bats (Vespertilionidae)

  • Big Brown Bat
  • Cave Myotis
  • Eastern Red Bat
  • Evening Bat
  • Fringed Myotis
  • Hoary Bat
  • Little Brown Bat
  • Long-eared Myotis
  • Northern Long-eared Bat
  • Silver-haired Bat
  • Townsend’s Big-eared Bat
  • Tricolored Bat
  • Western Small-footed Myotis

Places To Go Bat Watching in Nebraska

Niobrara National Scenic River Valley is home to six bat species recorded in the state. These are the Western Small-footed Myotis, the Silver-haired Bat, the Eastern Red Bat, the Hoary Bat, the Tricolored Bat, and the Big Brown Bat. While it is highly likely that the Evening Bat and the Northern Long-eared Bat can be found here, there haven’t been any recorded sightings so far.


1. Are bats protected in Nebraska?

Yes, it is illegal to kill a bat in Nebraska. Among all the bats, the Northern Long-eared Bat is classified as endangered within the state.

2. Do bats hibernate in Nebraska?

In winter, several bats, like the Northern Long-eared Bat, the Big Brown Bat, and the Tricolored Bat, will undergo hibernation in the state. They roost in suitable places like caves, attics of occupied homes and abandoned buildings, and even storm drains.