Bats in Nevada

There are 23 species of bats that call the state of Nevada home. The Long-eared Myotis is the most commonly seen in the state. The largest is the Western Mastiff Bat, with a wingspan between 21 and 23 inches, while the smallest is the Canyon Bat, with a wingspan of around 7-9 inches.

Bats in Nevada (NV)

Different Types of Bats in Nevada

Free-tailed Bats (Molossidae)

  • Mexican Free-tailed Bat
  • Western Mastiff Bat

New World Leaf-nosed Bats (Phyllostomidae)

  • California Leaf-nosed Bat
  • Mexican Long-tongued Bat

Vesper Bats (Vespertilionidae)

  • Allen’s Big-eared Bat
  • Big Brown Bat
  • California Myotis
  • Canyon Bat
  • Fringed Myotis
  • Hoary Bat
  • Little Brown Bat
  • Long-eared Myotis
  • Long-legged Myotis
  • Pallid Bat
  • Silver-haired Bat
  • Southwestern Myotis
  • Spotted Bat
  • Townsend’s Big-eared Bat
  • Western Red Bat
  • Western Small-footed Myotis
  • Western Yellow Bat
  • Yuma Myotis

Places To Go Bat Watching in Nevada

Several places in Nevada are noteworthy for their bat populations. 19 of Nevada’s bats have been observed in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, while 10 have been seen around the Great Basin National Park. Red Rock Canyon is also home to several species of bats like the Canyon Bat, the Pallid Bat, and the Mexican Free-tailed Bat, while Lake Tahoe National Park has several species, with the most common being the Silver-haired Bat.

The habitat around the Las Vegas Wash is also home to 18 species. At the same time, the bridge on S. McCarran Boulevard has about 40,000 bats, earning it the nickname “The Bat Bridge.”


1. Are there any endangered bat species in Nevada?

While only the Spotted Bat is listed as threatened within Nevada, most bat species have sharply declined due to degradation and rapid habitat loss.