Bats in Rhode Island

There are 8 species of bats native to Rhode Island. The most common bat in the state is the Big Brown Bat, which often enters human dwellings in search of places to roost. 

The largest bat in Rhode Island is the Hoary Bat, with a wingspan of 13-16 inches. The Tricolored Bat is the smallest, with a wingspan of 8-10 inches.

Bats in Rhode Island (RI)

Different Types of Bats in Rhode Island

Vesper Bats (Vespertilionidae)

Places To Go Bat Watching in Rhode Island

There aren’t any natural caves or mines in Rhode Island, so there aren’t any designated sites for bat watching. But bats can be seen at dusk hunting insects.


1. Are bats in Rhode Island under protection?

Yes, not only are all species of bats protected in Rhode Island, but they are federally protected for their importance concerning biodiversity and in keeping the insect population under control.

2. Do bats in Rhode Island migrate or hibernate in the winter?

Most species of bats are only active in summer in Rhode Island. So, species like the Hoary Bat, the Eastern Red Bat, and the Silver-haired Bat will migrate to the southeastern United States when it gets colder. Others, like the Little Brown Bat, will migrate over a smaller range up to Vermont, where they will hibernate in suitable caves. And some, like the Big Brown Bat, may even hibernate inside human habitations.