Bats in Vermont

9 bats are native to the state of Vermont. The Hoary Bat is the largest in terms of wingspan, while the Tricolored Bat is the smallest.

Bats in Vermont (VT)

Different Types of Bats in Vermont

Vesper Bats (Vespertilionidae)

Places To Go Bat Watching in Vermont

In Hinesburg, a colony of 700 Indiana Bats is on conservation land. Interestingly, they have been seen roosting in bat houses, which is unusual for this species.


1. Are there any endangered bats in Vermont?

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources states that the Little Brown Bat, the Tricolored Bat, and the Northern Long-eared Bat are endangered within the state. This is because of the high mortality caused by White-nose Syndrome, a disease that can be fatal to bats that roost in caves.

2. Is it illegal to kill bats in Vermont?

Yes, it is illegal to maim, harass, or kill bats in the state of Vermont. If a bat enters a human dwelling, it is best to call an expert to remove it from the premises safely.

3. Do bats in Vermont hibernate or migrate during the winter?

Bats that live primarily in caves, like the Indiana Bat, the Little Brown Bat, and the Tricolored Bat, will hibernate in their usual roosting places. On the other hand, bats that live in trees, like the Hoary Bat and the Eastern Red Bat, will migrate out of the state to a warmer location.