Canada is home to over 700 species of birds . The country is famous for its migratory birds , like Canadian Geese , which reside during the warmer months before flying south during the winter. Other common birds often seen in the nation include the Common Raven, the Gray Jay, and the Snowy Owl .
List of Common Birds Found in Canada Birds of Prey Migratory Birds Backyard Birds Waterbirds Forest Birds Winter Birds Bohemian Waxwing Common Goldeneye Common Redpoll Evening Grosbeak Gray Jay Pine Siskin Red-breasted Nuthatch Snow Bunting Snowy Owl White-winged Crossbill Provincial Birds of Canada Canada does not have an official national bird. Instead, each of the territories and provinces has its provincial bird.
Alberta – Great Horned Owl British Columbia – Steller’s Jay Manitoba – Great Gray Owl New Brunswick – Black-capped Chickadee Newfoundland and Labrador – Atlantic Puffin Northwest Territories – Gyrfalcon Nova Scotia – Osprey Nunavut – Rock Ptarmigan Ontario – Common Loon Prince Edward Island – Blue Jay Quebec – Snowy Owl Saskatchewan – Sharp-tailed Grouse Yukon Territory – Common Raven Birds by Size Largest Birds By Length By Weight By Wingspan 1. Trumpeter Swan (72 inches) 1. Trumpeter Swan (26 lbs) 1. American White Pelican (9.8 ft) 2. American White Pelican (63 inches) 2. Wild Turkey, American White Pelican (24 lbs) 2. Trumpeter Swan (8.2 ft) 3. Mute Swan (62 inches) 3. Whooping Crane (15 lbs) 3. Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle (7.5 ft) 4. Whooping Crane, Great Blue Heron (52 inches) 4. Bald Eagle, Canada Goose (14 lbs) 4. Sandhill Crane, Brown Pelican (6.9 ft) 5. Brown Pelican (50 inches) 5. Sandhill Crane (13 lbs) 5. Great Blue Heron (6.6 ft)
Smallest Birds By Length By Weight By Wingspan 1. Ruby-throated Hummingbird (2.7 inches) 1. Calliope Hummingbird (0.07 oz) 1. Ruby-throated Hummingbird (3.1 inches) 2. Calliope Hummingbird (3 inches) 2. Ruby-throated Hummingbird (0.09 oz) 2. Calliope Hummingbird (4.3 inches) 3. Golden-crowned Kinglet (3.1 inches) 3. Yellow Warbler, Golden-crowned Kinglet (0.2 oz) 3. Yellow Warbler, Black-capped Chickadee, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Least Flycatcher (6.3 inches)
Common Canadian Birds by Color Blue Birds Blue Jay Indigo Bunting Lazuli Bunting Mountain Bluebird Western Bluebird Black Birds Yellow Birds Green Birds Green Heron Green-winged Teal Ruby-throated Hummingbird Red Birds White Birds Orange Birds Gray Birds Common Loon Gray Catbird Gray Jay Brown Birds While there are many places one can go birdwatching in Canada, the most famous site is Point Pelee National Park, where songbirds can be seen migrating from late April to early June.