Birds of Delaware

The Delaware Bird Records Committee accepts around 420 birds, of which about 90 are accidental and 6 introduced to North America, perhaps due to human intervention.

The Delaware blue hen, alternately called the blue hen chicken, has been adopted as the state bird of Delaware since the 14th of April 1939. A blue strain of the American gamecock, it is not a recognized chicken breed.

Birds of Delaware

Backyard Birds: Northern Cardinal, Mourning Dove, Carolina Chickadee, American Goldfinch, Carolina Wren

Birds of Prey: Bald Eagle ,Black Vulture, Barred Owl, Broad-winged Hawk, Eastern Screech Owl

Birds Found in Marshes: Great Blue Heron, Salt Marsh Sparrow, Marsh Wren

Common Birds Identification by Color

Blue Birds

  • Blue Hen Chicken
  • Eastern Bluebird 
  • Blue Jay
  • Great Blue Heron