Birds of Florida

According to the official list of the Florida Ornithological Society Records Committee (FOSRC), there are around 540 bird species in Florida. No wonder the Sunshine State is regarded as one of the most sought-after birding destinations.

The common birds of South Florida include the lesser nighthawk, yellow-headed blackbird, and Swainson’s hawk. In north Florida, one could mostly spot the Florida scrub jay, and wood stork, whereas the American avocet and Carolina wren dwell in the central part of the state. Some of the largest birds in the state are the American white pelican, trumpeter swan, and whooping crane. On the other hand, the ruby-crowned kinglet, Carolina chickadee, and house wren are among the smallest birds in Florida.

The northern mockingbird was adopted as Florida’s state bird on the 23rd of April, 1927 due to its charming vocal skills.

Birds of Florida

Backyard Birds:

All-year-round: Blue Jay, Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, Northern Mockingbird

In Summer: Carolina Wren, Mottled Duck, Snowy Plover

In Winter: Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal, American Wigeon, Wood Duck

Birds of Prey: Red-tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle

Water Birds: Osprey, Anhinga, Brown Pelican

Birds with Long Beaks: Roseate Spoonbill, White Ibis, Great Blue Heron

Common Birds Identification by Color

White Birds

Black Birds

Blue Birds

Green Birds

  • Budgerigar
  • Green Heron
  • Mitred Parakeet

Red Birds

  • Northern Cardinal
  • Roseate Spoonbill
  • House Finch

Pink Birds

Yellow Birds

Brown Birds