Birds of Georgia

Georgia has over 420 birds per the records acknowledged by the Checklist and Records Committee of the Georgia Ornithological Society (GOSRC). Some species have gone extinct, like the passenger pigeon, Carolina parakeet, and ivory-billed woodpecker.

The brown thrasher, a big bird with a long, curved beak and long tail, is officially regarded as the state bird of Georgia.

Birds of Georgia

Backyard Birds: Northern Mockingbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, Song Sparrow, Blue Jay

Migratory Birds:

In summer: – Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Purple Martin, Orchard Oriole

In winter: Northern Cardinal, Carolina Chickadee, Red-bellied Woodpecker

Birds of Prey: Red-tailed Hawk, Osprey, Cooper’s Hawk

Water Birds: Mallard, Northern Pintail, American Wigeon

Common Birds Identification by Color

Blue Birds

  • Eastern Bluebird
  • Indigo Bunting
  • Blue Grosbeak
  • Tree Swallow
  • Blue Jay

Red Birds

  • Northern Cardinal
  • House Finch
  • Red-billed Tropicbird

Yellow Birds