Brown Birds in Florida

Diverse species of brown birds call Florida their home. The wrens are the common, tiny brown birds living in Florida that frequent backyards. The brown thrasher is a reddish brown bird, while the marsh wren is a brown and black bird of the state.

If you see a big brown bird with a yellow belly here, it is most likely a great-crested flycatcher. A small bird with a similar coloration is the American goldfinch. The brown thrasher looks unique with the white spots on its body, while the American robin is a brown bird with an orange beak.

Brown Florida (FL) Birds

List of Brown Birds in Florida

Brown Birds in Florida by Sizes

Large Brown Birds in Florida: Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Female), White-throated Sparrow, Brown Pelican, Eastern Towhee, Northern Flicker, Great-crested Flycatcher.

Medium-Sized Brown Birds in Florida: American Robin.

Small Brown Birds in Florida: Carolina Wren, House Finch (Female), Northern Cardinal (Female), House Sparrow, House Wren, Red-winged Blackbird (Female).

Brown Birds in Florida by Regions

White Birds in Central FloridaAmerican Bittern, American Goldfinch (Female), American Kestrel, American Robin