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White-Handed Gibbon (Lar Gibbon)

The white-handed, or lar gibbon, or indeed the white-cheeked gibbon, is a primate found in the forests of South and Southeast Asian countries like Mya

European Bison

The European Bison, also called the ‘Wisent’, is the largest land mammal of the continent of Europe. Often confused with the American Bison, the p

Bornean Orangutan

The Bornean Orangutan (also known as Bornean Orang-utan) is a small to average size hominid that is spread across the jungles of Borneo. Orangutans, t

African Civet

The African Civet is a species of civets that are spread throughout a wide range in the continent of Africa. They are famous for their musk, secreted

Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox

The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, also known as the 'Golden-capped Fruit Bat', is one of the largest species of bats in the world that are found on

Plains Zebra

The Plains Zebra, also called ‘Common Zebra’, ‘Burchell's Zebra’, and ‘Painted Zebra’, is an ungulate and equine from Africa that is nativ

Amazon River Dolphin

The Amazon River Dolphin is a group of dolphins that primarily dwell in the South Americas waters, especially in the Amazon river. Also known as the â

Giant Otter

The Giant Otter is a species of large-size endangered otters from South America. At around 6 feet in length, this animal is the world's largest specie

Spectacled Bear

The Spectacled Bear is a South American bear that is the last living species of native bear in the continent. It is also the last member belonging to