Dolphins are aquatic mammals of the infraorder Cetacea that constitutes five families, including oceanic dolphins, the Indian river dolphins, brackish dolphins, the New World river dolphins, and the extinct Chinese river dolphins. Research has shown that the ancestors of today’s dolphins were land-dwelling mammals, which became fully aquatic approximately 39-44 million years ago.
Scientific Classification
Scientific Classification
Types of Dolphins
List of Common Types of Dolphin Species
There are about
40 species of dolphins living today, divided into four extant families,
including Platanistidae, Delphinidae, Iniidae, and Pontoporiidae. Some of the
commonly found dolphin species are listed below:
Size: Dolphin species exhibit various
sizes, ranging from the smallest Maui’s dolphin with a length of 5.6 ft (1.7 m)
to the largest killer whales or orcas, measuring 31 ft (9.5 m). Several species
like the long-beaked common dolphins display sexual dimorphism, with the males
being more robust and longer than females.
Dolphin Size
Weight: The weight of dolphins varies
depending on the species, with the Maui’s dolphin weighing 50 kg (110 lb) and killer
whales having a weight of 10 tons (22,046 lb).
Color: They can have diverse color
combinations. The Amazon river dolphin, for example, is grayish-pink or bright
pink, while the killer whale and Commerson’s dolphins have a mix of black and
white. Common dolphins come with a shade of dark gray and white.
Body: Dolphins have streamlined bodies,
along with non-flexible necks, modified flippers, a tail fin, non-existent ear
flaps, and bulbous heads.
Teeth: Unlike porpoises, dolphins possess
conical teeth for catching quick-moving prey, including fish, squid, and seal.
The number of teeth varies widely across species, with the orcas carrying 40-56
teeth, bottlenose dolphins having 72-116 teeth, and the common dolphins
possessing 188-268 teeth.
Dolphin Teeth
Genitals: The reproductive organs occur
inside their bodies, with the genital slits being located on the side of their
belly. Males possess two genital slits, while the females have one.
Dolphin Eyes
Dolphins are
widely distributed and found in all of the world’s oceans and some rivers. Although
these aquatic mammals can inhabit the cold sub-Antarctic and Antarctic waters,
most species prefer living in warm tropical areas.
What kind of habitats are dolphins found in
habitat varies depending on food accessibility and environmental factors. While
most of them are found in saltwater, some species of dolphins thrive in
freshwater. Dolphins are usually seen in bays, creeks, rivers, inlets, shallow
waters along the coast, and at great depths in oceans.
Dolphin Habitat
How long do they live
captivity, the average lifespan of dolphins is only about 20-25 years, although
there have been instances of killer whales living more than 30 years with two
orcas, Lolita and Corky II, surviving up to their mid-40s. Wild dolphins have
higher life expectancies, with the females living roughly 45 years on average,
and sometimes up to 75-80 years. The males live for 31 years on average but can
survive up to 55-60 years.
What do they eat
typically feed on fish and squid, although the orcas and false killer whales
also eat other sea mammals, such as dugongs and seals. Occasionally, orcas also
hunt whales bigger than themselves.
are highly social mammals, usually living in groups (or pods) consisting of up
to 12 individuals, though the size and structure of these groups can vary depending
on the species and locations. Groups can merge temporarily in places with an abundance
of food. These superpods may comprise more than 1,000 dolphins.
aquatic mammals form strong social bonds, as they stay with individuals that
are ill or injured, often bringing them to the surface to help them breathe.
can produce a wide range of sounds, including frequency-modulated whistles and
burst-pulsed sounds for communication. They also use touch and posturing for
nonverbal communication.
display cultural behavior, something that is exhibited by humans and primate
species. In 2005, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins were found teaching their
babies to cover their snouts using sponges for protecting them while foraging.
often jump above the water surface while traveling. This activity, called
porpoising, is done for social displays, orientation, entertainment, nonverbal
communication, dislodging parasites, and saving energy.
skin can adapt to harsh climate because of a thick layer of fat or blubber that
provide insulation from cold. It is also used for obtaining energy when food is
have limbs that are modified into flippers, comprising four digits, which they
use for steering. Their boneless dorsal fin is used for stability while the
tail fin helps them to swim and propel forward.
dolphins are capable of slowing down their heart rate for conserving oxygen, helping
them to dive deep in the ocean. They can also re-direct blood from the tissues
(that can tolerate water pressure) to the brain, heart, and other organs.
forehead of dolphins has a specialized organ, called melon, made of fat for
sending out clicks, which is a high-frequency sound used for communication.
usually have slightly flattened corneas, enlarged pupils, and moderately flat
eyeballs to enable large amounts of light pass through their eyes, giving a clear
image of their surroundings.
How do they Reproduce and Mate
Dolphins are
polygynous, meaning the males mate with more than one female every year, while
the females mate every 2-3 years. Copulation is generally brief, occurring
belly to belly, often happening quite a few times within a short interval. The
gestation period varies among dolphin species, ranging from 11-12 months in the
tucuxis to roughly 17 months in the orcas. They typically give birth to one
offspring in the spring or summer months, with the calf born tail first. Young
dolphins usually become sexually active before reaching sexual maturity, which
occurs at about 8-13 years of age.
Baby Dolphin
Several organizations,
such as the Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society (HKDCS) and the Whale and
Dolphin Conservation (WDC), have been set up for their protection and welfare. The
Mote Marine Laboratory, a Florida-based research organization, work on rescue
and rehabilitation of wounded, sick, or orphaned dolphins. Countries like India
have declared it as the national aquatic animal to save the Ganges river
dolphin from extinction. The Vikramshila Dolphin Sanctuary has been established
for their protection.
1. Are orcas dolphins?
Yes. Orcas
are the largest dolphin species.
2. How do dolphins sleep?
usually sleep with one of their brain hemispheres in a deep sleep at a
particular moment, remaining conscious enough to breathe and be wary of the
presence of predators or other threats. Captive dolphins enter a state of deep
sleep with both eyes closed, automatic respiration, and no response to a mild
3. How smart are dolphins?
have shown that dolphins have a high level of intelligence, demonstrating
self-awareness, empathy, innovation, problem-solving ability, playfulness,
teaching skills, grief, and joy. They are also known for their fantastic
mimicry skills and quick learning ability.
4. Is a dolphin a fish?
5. Do dolphins have hair?
dolphins have whiskers on their snout, but they lose them soon after birth.
6. Are dolphins endangered?
Some dolphin
species, such as the Indus river dolphin, Ganges river dolphin, and Hector’s
dolphin, are endangered.
7. How fast can a dolphin swim?
aquatic mammals are fast swimmers. The orcas, for example, can swim with a top
speed of 55.5 kph (34.5 mph).
8. What is a group of dolphins
A pod or
9. How long can dolphins hold their
On average,
dolphins can remain submerged, holding their breath for 8-10 minutes. However,
individuals have been observed to stay underwater for approximately 15 minutes.
10. What is a baby dolphin called?
A calf or
Dolphin Animal
Interesting Facts
Their sense of hearing is extraordinarily well developed, and they can hear both in air and under the surface of water. Some dolphins stay alive even after becoming blind.
Dolphins are often held captive and trained to obey commands and perform tricks. Common dolphin species kept in captivity include bottlenose dolphins and killer whales.
These fascinating aquatic mammals have also appeared in literature and movies like Free Willy.
In the Faroe Islands and some parts of Japan, dolphins are traditionally eaten and killed in drive hunts.
The coat of arms of Romania, Anguilla, and Barbados feature dolphins.
Dolphins sometimes exhibit non-reproductive sexual behavior, including masturbation or stimulation of the genitals of other individuals with the flippers or rostrum, and homosexual contact.
Male dolphins may show aggressive behavior towards both males and females, resorting to violent sexual encounters or ‘rape’ for asserting authority. Dolphins have also been observed to behave sexually towards humans.