Endangered Animals

Species assessed as ‘Endangered’ by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) are likely to become extinct if one does not take proper conservation measures. Of the several reasons why most animal species are becoming endangered, a common cause is habitat loss. This happens when most of their living space is cleared for agricultural farming, the construction of roads, and other purposes. The introduction of invasive species and the poaching of animals are the other reasons for a significant population decline in some species.

According to IUCN’s data, the IUCN Red List has over 41,000 species, of which around 16,000 are endangered and at risk of extinction. Around 41% of the endangered animals are amphibians, 27% mammals, 13% birds, 37% sharks and rays, and 21% reptiles. The vaquita is the most endangered animal in the world at present with just 10 of them left in the wild.

The onus lies on humans to save and conserve their population. Protecting their natural habitat is one of the main initiatives needed to be taken. Zoos have significantly saved several animals from extinction by adopting proper conservation strategies and spreading awareness.

Endangered Animals

List of Animals that are Endangered

World’s Most Endangered Animals

Name of the Animal IUCN Red List Conservation Status Approximate Population in the wild (as of 2025) Native to
Amur Leopard Critically Endangered 70 Russian Far East and parts of China
Black-footed Ferret Endangered 350 Central North America
Blue-throated Macaw Critically Endangered 200-300 Northern Bolivia
California Condor Critically Endangered 500 California, southern Utah, Mexico, Arizona, Baja California
Hawaiian Monk Seal Endangered 300 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
Javan Rhinoceros Critically Endangered 60-80 Java, Indonesia
Kakapo Critically Endangered 250 New Zealand
North Atlantic Right Whale Endangered 350 Western North Atlantic Ocean
Siberian Tiger Endangered 350-400 Northeast China, Russian Far East, North Korea
Sunda Island Tiger Endangered 250-400 Sunda Islands, Indonesia;
Tapanuli Orangutan Critically Endangered 750-800 North Sumatra, Indonesia
Tooth-billed Pigeon Critically Endangered 70-380 Samoan Island
Vaquita Critically Endangered 10 Northern portion of Gulf of California, Baja California , Mexico
White-Cheeked Spider Monkey Endangered 250 Amazon Basin, central Brazil
Whooping Crane Endangered 75 North America
Axolotl Critically Endangered 50-1000 Lake Xochimilco, Valley of Mexico
Arabian Leopard Critically Endangered 200 Arabian Peninsula
Philippine Eagle Critically Endangered <500 Philippines
Tamaraw Critically Endangered 500 Mindoro Island, Philippines

Other Endangered Animals

African Penguin Endangered 140,000 Coast of Southern Africa
Asian Elephant Endangered 20,000 -40,000 India, Southeast Asia
Black Buck Near Threatened 25,000 India, Nepal, Pakistan
Black Rhinoceros Critically Endangered 6,100 Kenya, Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa
Blue Whale Endangered 10,000—25,000 North Atlantic Ocean
Cheetah Vulnerable 6,000-7,000 East Africa, South Africa
Gharial Critically Endangered 1,500 Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar
Giant Panda Vulnerable 1800 Central and southwest China
Golden Lion Tamarin Endangered 2500 Southeast Brazil
Hawksbill Sea Turtle Critically Endangered 20,000- 25,000 Indian Ocean, Indo-Pacific Ocean, west Atlantic Ocean
Irrawaddy Dolphin Endangered 6,500-7,500 Coastal regions of South Asia and Southeast Asia
Kirtland’s Warbler Near Threatened 2,500-3,000 Michigan, Wisconsin, Ontario, Cuba, The Bahamas, Hispaniola
Hawaiian Hawk Near Threatened 1,500-2,000 Hawaii
Hyacinth Macaw Vulnerable 5,000-6,500 South America
Komodo Dragon Endangered 1300-1400 Indonesia
Leatherback Sea Turtle Vulnerable 30,000-35,000 Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Lion-tailed Macaque Endangered 3,000-4,000 Western Ghats hills, southwestern India
Loggerhead Turtle Endangered 50,000 Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea
Mountain Gorilla Endangered 1000 Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Rwanda
Northern Quoll Endangered 100,000 North Australia, Western Australia
Numbat Endangered 1000 Western Australia
Polar Bear Vulnerable 20,000-30,000 Arctic Circle
Sea Otter Endangered 3,000 Eastern and northern parts of the North Pacific Ocean
Seychelles Palm Frog Critically Endangered <20,000 Silhouette Island, Seychelles
Snow Leopard Vulnerable 4,000-6,000 Mountainous terrain of Northern. and Central Asia
South American Tapir Vulnerable 3,000-4,500 Northern America, central South America
Spectacled Bear Vulnerable 6,000-10,000 South America
Steller Sea Lion Near Threatened 50,000-52,000 Japan, China, U.S
Sumatran Orangutan Critically Endangered 7,000-7,500 Sumatra, Borneo
Tasmanian Devil Endangered 10,000-25,000 Tasmania, Australia
Woylie Critically Endangered 12,000-1,8000 Western Australia, South Australia
Yangtze Finless Porpoise Critically Endangered 1,000 Central China, East China
Proboscis Monkey Endangered 7000 Borneo
Red Panda Endangered 10,000 Nepal, China, India, Bhutan, Myanmar

Facts about Endangered Animals

Endangered sea animals: Vaquita, hawksbill sea turtle, sea otter

Endangered Amazon rainforest animals: Golden lion tamarin, white-cheeked spider monkey, South American tapir

Endangered Arctic animals: Polar bear


Q. Why are tigers endangered?

A. Tigers suffer endangerment because of the destruction of their habitat due to human activities, which involve clearing forests for agriculture, farming, and building roads.

Q. Which animals are no longer endangered?

A. Louisiana black bear (classified as threatened between 1992 and 2016); American alligator (was on the list of endangered species in 1967)

Q. Is the fisher endangered?

The fishers were endangered in the 1900s because of overtrapping and a change in their habitat. Their population has stabilized, and the IUCN classifies them as Least Concern.