Fish-eating Birds

Animals that primarily consume fish are called piscivores. While the term might not fully capture the feeding habits of fish-eating birds — since many also eat insects and mollusks — some, like the Osprey, have a diet consisting of 99% fish. The preference for fish is largely due to its higher nutritional value compared to other available prey.

Adaptations of Fish-eating Birds

The birds that hunt and consume fish have developed a series of adaptations, which can be broadly classified as behavioral or physical.

Behavioral Adaptations

Birds use one or more of the following hunting strategies to effectively hunt fish:

  • Diving — These birds dive toward the water and catch fish with their beaks or talons. Example: Ospreys
  • Scooping — These birds use their bills to scoop up fish while wading through shallow water or mud. Example: Brown Pelicans
  • Skimming — These birds fly fast over water surfaces with open beaks, capturing any fish unable to escape in time. Example: Black Skimmers
  • Ambushing — These birds stand still in or close to a water source and snatch up unsuspecting prey with a quick movement of their beaks. Example: Great Blue Herons

Physical Adaptations

They also have specialized physical features to feed more effectively. These include:

  • Diverse Beak Shapes — Some birds have developed unique beaks to hunt and kill their prey more easily. For instance, herons possess sharp, pointed beaks designed for stabbing fish, while pelicans have large, pouch-like bills to scoop fish from the water.
  • Hooks on Their Tongues — Fish-eating birds use the rear-facing hooks on their tongues to scrap off the scales of the fish they are eating.
  • Better-evolved Digestive System — The proventriculus, an organ present in the anterior chamber of a bird’s stomach, is better developed in birds that swallow their prey whole. In fish-eating birds, it is more efficient in breaking down and digesting entire fish, including its scales and bones.
Fish-eating Birds

List of Different Birds That Eat Fish

SpeciesSize (in.)Type of Fish They Feed OnWhere They Are Found

Birds That Dive For Fish

Osprey20-26American gizzard shad, bullheads, flounders, mullets, smelts, and suckersOn all continents except Antarctica
Fish Eagles
African Fish Eagle26-31Primarily catfish and gray mullets; also characins, cichlids, lungfish, and tilapiasSub-Saharan Africa
Bald Eagle28-40Salmon and troutThroughout North America
White-tailed Eagle26-37Lumpsuckers, pikes, and breamsNorthern Eurasia
Anhinga30-37Black bass, catfish, chain pickerel, mullets, sunfish, and suckersCuba, Grenada, Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago, and parts of the United States
Oriental Darter30-36TilapiaSoutheast Asia
Australasian Darter34-37Smelt, breams, perch, and gudgeonAustralasia
Red-throated Loon22-26Arctic char, brook, capelin, cod, herring, sandlance, sculpins, sticklebacks, and troutArctic regions of northern Eurasia and North America 
Common Loon26-36Perch, pumpkinseed, bluegill, suckers, catfish, smelt, and minnowsNearctic regions of Europe and North America
Pacific Loon23-30Herring, perch, sandlance, anchovy, and medusafishNorthern Canada and eastern Siberia
Common Tern12-14Boarfish, bluejack mackerel, lanternfish, and trumpet fishThroughout North America and Europe
Brown Noddy15-18Anchovies and sardinesThroughout the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans
Caspian Tern19- 24Perch, anchovies, alewives, smelt, bass, sculpin, and juvenile salmonLakes and ocean coasts across North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australasia
Great Cormorant27-40Primarily wrasses; also  common soles, flathead, and sand smeltAustralia, New Zealand, the Atlantic coast of North America
Pelagic Cormorant25-35Sand eels, sculpins, gunnels, and rockfishNorthern Pacific
Brandt’s Cormorant32-34Herring and rockfishPacific coast of North America
Atlantic Puffin10-12Capelin, herring, sand eels, and spratsThroughout the Atlantic
Tufted Puffin14-15Capelin, hake, herring, and sand eelsNorthern Pacific
Horned Puffin7-8Northern smoothtongue, saury, sandlance, capelin, pollock, greenling, and salmonNorthern Pacific
Emperor Penguin43-47Antarctic silverfishAntarctica
Southern Rockhopper Penguin18-23LanternfishFalkland Islands and a few islands off Patagonia
Macaroni Penguin26-28Marbled rockcod, painted notie, icefish, and lanternfishFrom the Subantarctic to the Antarctic Peninsula
Belted Kingfisher11-14Mummichogs, sticklebacks, stonerollers, and troutCanada and the northern United States
Common Kingfisher6-8Minnows, sticklebacks, small roach, and troutEurasia and North Africa
Giant Kingfisher16-18Tilapia and cichlidsCentral Africa
Black Guillemot12-13Arctic cod, blennies, butterfish, grubby, herring, northern sandlance, ocean pouts, pollocks, pricklebacks, radiated shanny, and sculpinsArctic and the north Atlantic Oceans
Pigeon Guillemot12-15Capelin, cod, sandfish, and sculpins Northern Pacific
Common Murre16-18Cod, capelin, sand lances, sprats, sandeels, and herringNorthern Pacific and Altlantic
Clark’s Grebe22-29Perch, minnows, bass, killifish, and sunfishWestern North America, from Canada to Mexico
Western Grebe22-30Carp and herringWestern North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico
Great Crested Grebe18-20Perch, roach, sticklebacks, minnows, and small pikeEurasia, Africa, Australia, and South Island in New Zealand
Northern Gannet34-40Sardines, cod, anchovies, haddock, and smelt Throughout the North Atlantic
Cape Gannet33-37Anchovies, sardines, and saurySouthern Africa, from Namibia to South Africa
Australasian Gannet33 – 37Prefers pilchard; also kahawai, mullet, bonnetmouth, mackerel, trumpeter, sprat, salmon, and flyingfishIn Australasia, from Western Australia to Queensland
Common Merganser23-29Salmon, trout, carp, shad, perch and sunfishThroughout Eurasia, and North America
Red-breasted Merganser20-25Perch, herring, carp, and troutThroughout the Northern Hemisphere
Brazilian Merganser19-22Carp, trout, salmon, etc.Brazil

Birds That Scoop Fish

American White Pelican50-70Catfish, common carp, Lahontan tui chub, minnows, perch, salmon, shiners, and troutsThroughout North America
Australian Pelican54-66Perch, goldfish, and carpAustralia and New Guinea, also parts of Fiji and Indonesia
Brown Pelican40-54Herring, minnows, mullets,  pigfish, pinfish, sardines, sheepshead, silversides, and topminnowsOff the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific Coasts in North and South America
Dalmatian Pelican50-65Catfish, carp, rudd, eels, perch, mullets, and pikeThroughout central Eurasia, from the Mediterranean to the Taiwan Strait
Black-faced Spoonbill24-30Milkfish East Asia, including Vietnam, Macau, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan 
Roseate Spoonbill28-34MinnowsThroughout Central and South America
Yellow-billed Spoonbill34-36Mosquitofish and flathead gudgeonAustralia
Black Stork36-41Minnows, pikes, roaches, eels, budds, perch, burbots, sticklebacks, and muddy loachesEastern Asia and Africa
Wood Stork33-45Sunfish and crayfishCentral and South America and the Caribbean
Milky Stork36-38Mudskippers, milkfish, mullets, catfish, threadfin, and pomfretSoutheast Asia
Northern Fulmar17-20Cod, herring, capelin, pollock, sandlance, lanternfish, and rockfishNorth Atlantic and Pacific oceans
European Storm Petrel6-7Herring and pratsWestern Palaearctic off the Atlantic and Mediterranean European coasts 
Antarctic Petrel16-18Antarctic silverfishSouthern Ocean
Shoebill Stork43-55Lungfish, catfish, tilapia, and Senegal bichirCentral Africa
Ring-billed Gull17-21Mostly alewives, occasionally smeltCanada and the northern United States
American Herring Gull24-26Capelin, alewife, and smeltThroughout northern North America
Great Black-backed Gull24-30Capelin, cod, tomcod, mackerel, herring, and sandlanceFrom Russia to the coasts of northwestern France and UK

Birds That Skim For Fish

Black Skimmer17-21Anchovies, bluefish, flathead mullets, and mummichogsThroughout North and South America
African Skimmer14-15Tetras, tilapias, barbels, elephantfish, pikes, and lampeyesFrom Senegal, across the Congo River and Nile Valley to South Africa and Angola
Indian Skimmer17-20Minnows, carps, guppies, and perchThroughout the Indus and Ganges river systems in the Indian sub-continent

Birds That Ambush or Snatch Fish

Gray Heron38-42Bass, carp, flounders, goldfish, gunnels, minnows, perch, salmon, sculpin,  sticklebacks, etcThroughout Africa, Asia, and Europe
Great Blue Heron36-54Bass, flounders, gunnels, perch, sculpin, smelt, sticklebacks, etcThroughout North America
Western Reef Heron24-28Anchovies, gobies, and herringCoasts of West Africa, the Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka, and the Lakshadweep Islands, India

It is worth mentioning that the Great Kiskadee – a passerine bird that mainly eats insects and rodents – may occasionally fish in shallow waters for cichlids, making it one of the few fish-eating passerine birds.