Frogs in Kentucky

Kentucky is a great place to live for many frog species with its hot, humid summers and cool, rainy winters.

Pickerel frogs are the only poisonous frogs in Kentucky.

Frogs in Kentucky

Frogs and Toads of Kentucky

Narrow-mouthed Frogs (called toads due to terrestrial behavior)

  • Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad

Tree Frogs and Their Allies

  • American Green Treefrog
  • Barking Treefrog
  • Bird-voiced Treefrog
  • Blanchard’s Cricket Frog
  • Cope’s Gray Treefrog
  • Eastern Gray Treefrog
  • Gray Treefrog
  • Mountain Chorus Frog
  • Northern Cricket Frog
  • Upland Chorus Frog
  • Western Chorus Frog

True Frogs

True Toads

  • American Toad
  • Dwarf American Toad
  • Eastern American Toad
  • Fowler’s Toad

Spadefoot Toads

  • Eastern Spadefoot Toad

Common Frogs: Spring Peeper, American Toad, Green Frog, etc.

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