Game Birds

Game birds have long been central to hunting traditions around the world, offering both challenge and reward to enthusiasts. Hunters pursue them for sport or their meat, but it’s important to note that each species has specific hunting seasons. Hunting outside these periods can not only lead to legal consequences but also negatively impact the overall populations of these birds.

Game Birds

List of Different Game Birds

Game birds are generally classified into two categories: waterfowl and upland species. Waterfowl, like ducks and geese, are adapted to life in aquatic environments. On the other hand, upland game birds, such as pheasants and quails, are found in groundcover-rich terrestrial habitats away from wetlands and riparian zones.


Hunting seasons for waterfowl typically span from September to January, aligning with the start of winter to the onset of spring. However, these dates can vary depending on the region.

BirdSizeHunting Regions
Common MoorhenLength: 20-24 in
Weight: 6-18 oz
Florida, Arkansas, Connecticut, and the UK
Eurasian CootLength: 14-15 in
Weight: 26-31 oz
Wilson’s SnipeLength: 19-23 in
Weight: 16-28 oz
All US states except Hawaii
European Golden PloverLength: 10-12 in
Weight: 7-8 oz
MallardLength: 20-26 in
Weight: 24-56 oz
Across the U.S. (except urban areas and protected zones)
CanvasbackLength: 19-22 in
Weight: 30-56 oz
Texas, Louisiana, California, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Canada
RedheadLength: 14-15 in Weight: 30-35 ozTexas, Louisiana, Florida, California, Minnesota and Canada
Northern PintailLength: 20-30 in Weight: 20-40 ozTexas, Louisiana, California, Washington, North Dakota, Canada, and Mexico
King EiderLength: 21-28 in Weight: 50-75 ozAlaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, and Russia
GadwallLength: 18-22 in Weight: 30-35 ozLouisiana, Texas, Arkansas, California, Alabama and Canada
Ruddy DuckLength: 13-16 in Weight: 10-25 ozCalifornia, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada and Canada
Common MerganserLength: 21-28 in Weight: 42-58 ozMaine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, Alaska and Canada
Hooded MerganserLength: 16-19 in Weight: 16-30 ozSouth Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Canada
Red-breasted MerganserLength: 20-25 in Weight: 28-40 ozWashington, Oregon, Alaska, Maine, Michigan in the US, Canada, and Greenland
American Black DuckLength: 21-23 in Weight: 35-45 ozMaine, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland and Canada
Wood DuckLength: 18-21 in Weight: 16-30 ozNorth Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana and Canada
Green-winged TealLength: 12-15 in Weight: 8-12 ozTexas, Louisiana, Arkansas, California, Florida, Canada, and Mexico
BuffleheadLength: 12-16 in Weight: 9-16 ozWashington, Oregon, Alaska, Michigan, Minnesota and Canada
Northern ShovelerLength: 17-20 in Weight: 14-28 ozTexas, Louisiana, California, Arkansas, New Mexico, Canada, and Mexico
American WigeonLength: 17-23 in Weight: 25-35 ozWashington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Canada
GoldeneyeLength: 16-21 in Weight: 32-40 ozMinnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Maine and Canada
Common EiderLength: 20-28 in Weight: 70-90 ozAlaska, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire in the US, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scotland, and Russia
Long Tailed DuckLength: 15-20 in Weight: 16-32 ozAlaska, Maine, New York, Michigan, Massachusetts in the US, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, and Russia
Eurasian WigeonLength: 18-20 in Weight: 26-33 ozAlaska, UK, France, Germany, and Russia
Tufted duckLength: 16-18 in Weight: 24-28 ozAlaska, UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia
Common PochardLength: 16-19 in Weight: 26-33 ozUK, France, Germany, and Russia
Greater scaupLength: 16-20 in Weight: 30-38 ozUSA: New York, Michigan, Minnesota, Washington, Oregon and Canada
Lesser scaupLength: 15-18 in Weight: 16-38 ozTexas, Louisiana, California, Florida, Mississippi and Canada
Canada GooseLength: 30-43 in
Weight: 92-228 oz
Across the U.S. (except protected areas and urban regions)
Greylag GooseLength: 29-36 in Weight: 98-169 ozUK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia
Pink-footed GooseLength: 25-30 in Weight: 63-104 ozIceland, UK, Norway, and Denmark
Ross’s GooseLength: 22-25 in Weight: 40-53 ozTexas, Louisiana, Arkansas, California, North Dakota, and Canada
Snow GooseLength: 27-33 in Weight: 56-116 ozTexas, Louisiana, Arkansas, California, North Dakota, and Canada

Upland Game Birds

BirdSizeHunting RegionsHunting Season
Wild TurkeyLength: 30-50 in
Weight: 88-384 oz
Across the U.S. (with state-specific regulations)September to January
Ring-necked PheasantLength: 19-28 in
Weight: 16-112 oz
Midwest and western states (Nebraska, SD, MT)October to February
Plain ChachalacaLength: 19-23 in
Weight: 16-28 oz
Southern TexasNovember to February
American WoodcockLength: 10-12 in
Weight: 5-8 oz
Northeastern and central United StatesDecember to February
Eurasian WoodcockLength: 13-15 in
Weight: 8-14 oz
UKSeptember to October
California QuailLength: 7-9 in
Weight: 5-7 oz
California, parts of Oregon, and NevadaSeptember to January
Montezuma QuailLength: 8-9 in
Weight: 5-6 oz
Parts of Arizona and New MexicoNovember to February
Northern BobwhiteLength: 9-11 in
Weight: 4-9 oz
Eastern and central United StatesOctober to February
Gambel’s QuailLength: 10-11 in
Weight: 5-7 oz
Southwestern states (Arizona, New Mexico, Texas)September to February
Mountain QuailLength: 10-11 in
Weight: 7-9 oz
Western states (California, Oregon, Washington)September to January
Scaled QuailLength: 10-12 in
Weight: 6.2-6.7oz
Texas, New Mexico, ArizonaOctober to February
Gray PartridgeLength: 11-13 in
Weight: 13-18 oz
Northern Great Plains (North Dakota, South Dakota)September to January
Chukar PartridgeLength: 13-14 in
Weight: 16-19 oz
Western U.S. (Idaho, Nevada, Oregon)October to January 
Spruce GrouseLength: 15-17 in
Weight: 19-23 oz
Northern states (Alaska, Minnesota, Michigan)September to January
Sharp-tailed GrouseLength: 15-19 in
Weight: 21-31 oz
Northern Great Plains and Midwest (Montana, ND, SD)September to January
Sooty GrouseLength: 15-20 in
Weight: 26-46 oz
Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, California)August to May
Ruffed GrouseLength: 16-20 in
Weight: 15-26 oz
Eastern and northern U.S. (Pennsylvania, Vermont, Michigan)September to January
Gunnison Sage-grouseLength: 18-22 in
Weight:  34-86 oz
Colorado, UtahMarch to May
Dusky GrouseLength: 15-21 in
Weight: 32-43 oz
Rocky Mountains (Colorado, Wyoming, Montana)September to November
Greater Sage-grouseLength: 19-30 in
Weight:  32-112 oz
Wyoming, Utah, NevadaSeptember to November
White-tailed PtarmiganLength: 11-12 in
Weight: 11-17 oz
Colorado, Wyoming, UtahSeptember to November
Rock PtarmiganLength: 13-14 in
Weight: 15-23 oz
Alaska, mountainous regions of the western U.S.September to February
Willow PtarmiganLength: 14-17 in
Weight: 15-29 oz
Alaska, northern Minnesota, and WisconsinSeptember to February
Pigeons and Doves
Band-tailed PigeonLength: 13-16 in
Weight: 8-18 oz
Washington, Oregon, California, and ArizonaSeptember to December 
Mourning DoveLength: 11-12 in
Weight: 4-6 oz
41 US statesSeptember to January
Eurasian Collared DoveLength: 11-13 in
Weight: 4-9 oz
All US StatesYear-round
Common Wood PigeonLength: 15-18 in
Weight: 10-22 oz
UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and FinlandNovember to January; August in some places
Lesser Prairie-chickenLength: 15-16 in
Weight: 22-29 oz
Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, KansasSeptember to January
Greater Prairie-chickenLength: 16-17 in
Weight: 25-42 oz
Kansas, Nebraska, OklahomaSeptember to January

Although often mistaken for a game bird, the American Crow is actually a nongame migratory bird. It is occasionally hunted as an agricultural pest. Similarly, the Sandhill Crane is often hunted during its migration along the Central Flyway, with protection only in Nebraska.

It is important to note that these months generally indicate when these birds can be hunted. For specific dates, it is essential to check the dates of the local hunting season.


1. What is the difference between native and introduced game birds?

Native game birds are those indigenous to a particular ecosystem, while introduced birds are those brought to a different region, mostly by humans. For instance, the Wild Turkey is integrated into the local ecology of the US, while the Ring-necked Pheasant has been introduced to Europe, North America, Japan, and New Zealand

2. What are some of the best-tasting game birds?

Some of the best-tasting game birds include grouses with their rich and nutty taste, pheasants for their mild sweetness, quail for being tender and flavorful, and mallards for their robust flavor.