Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons in South Carolina

In South Carolina, hawks, eagles, and falcons thrive in diverse habitats, making them a part of its rich biodiversity. The crested caracara’s scavenging prowess suits grasslands, the bald eagles’ presence along waterways reflects conservation efforts, and the merlin’s agility helps it survive in the state’s varied landscapes, from coastal regions to woodlands.

It is worth noting here that the state protects all its birds of prey by law. So, it is unlawful to kill or molest its hawks, eagles, and falcons in any way. 

Hawks Eagles and Falcons in South Carolina (SC)

List of Different Types of Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons in South Carolina


There are two types of eagles native to South Carolina.

  • Bald Eagle
  • Golden Eagle


  • Sharp-shinned Hawk
  • Cooper’s Hawk
  • Red-shouldered Hawk
  • Broad-winged Hawk
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • Rough-legged Hawk (Accidental)
  • American Goshawk (Accidental)
  • Short-tailed Hawk (Accidental)
  • Swainson’s Hawk (Accidental)

Red-tailed hawks are common year-round residents of the Palmetto State. They are usually seen soaring in the sky or perching on fences or telephone poles.



  • Osprey

The osprey is a seasonal visitor to South Carolina and can be found all along the Atlantic Coast and in areas with good water sources – salt or fresh.


  • Northern Harrier

It can be a magical experience to see bald eagles soar high up in the sky or perch on a tall tree. Huntington Beach State Park, Hobcaw Barony, and Brookgreen Gardens are the most popular places for their sightings. They can also be viewed in Georgetown, Pawleys Island, Litchfield Beach, and Murrells Inlet on the Hammock Coast. Hawk migration can be best viewed at Caesars Head State Park and Sassafras Mountain – the highest point in South Carolina.