Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons in Wyoming

The variety of its hawks, eagles, and falcons makes Wyoming an ideal birding destination. It is because of the diversity of the landscapes they inhabit, from the aspen and alpine forests of its national parks to the shimmering dunes of its deserts.

Many of Wyoming’s raptors are migratory species, spending a few months in a year in the state and enduring long journeys to and from their wintering grounds. You can help maintain their safety and health by admiring them from a distance and respecting their nesting areas.

Hawks Eagles and Falcons in Wyoming (WY)

List of Different Types of Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons in Wyoming


There are two types of eagles native to Wyoming.

  • Bald Eagle
  • Golden Eagle


  • Sharp-shinned Hawk
  • Cooper’s Hawk
  • American Goshawk
  • Broad-winged Hawk
  • Swainson’s Hawk
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • Rough-legged Hawk
  • Ferruginous Hawk
  • Harris’s Hawk (Accidental)
  • Red-shouldered Hawk (Accidental)


In Wyoming, peregrine falcons typically use cliffs as their nest sites and open areas for hunting. Most breeding peregrines are found in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. The non-breeding season sees them in any open habitat.


  • Osprey


  • Northern Harrier

Birders can head to Yellowstone National Park to view the red-tailed hawk, osprey, and bald eagle. The Red Desert offers spectacular views of golden eagles and ferruginous hawks. The Hutton National Wildlife Refuge is a popular viewing spot for Swainson’s hawks, golden eagles, and northern harriers. The two native eagles and northern harriers can also be spotted at the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Bald-eagle watching is a pleasurable experience at the Grand Teton National Park.