Lizards in Missouri

There are 11 lizard species living in Missouri, which live in three habitats – forests, meadows, and prairies. Most of them are skinks, while other lizards in the state include the eastern collared lizard, the Texas horned lizard, and the six-lined racerunner.

Lizards in Missouri

Lizards of Missouri

Collared Lizards

  • Eastern Collared Lizard

Glass Lizards

  • Slender Glass Lizard

Horned Lizards

  • Texas Horned Lizard


  • Broad-headed Skink
  • Coal Skink
  • Common Five-lined Skink
  • Great Plains Skink
  • Little Brown Skink
  • Prairie Skink

Spiny Lizards

Whiptail Lizards

  • Six-lined Racerunner