Georgia is home to around 9 species of owls. Only 4 of them are known to live in the state year-round – the Great Horned Owl, the Barred Owl, the Eastern Screech Owl, and the Barn Owl – with the rest either vagrants or only living in Georgia for a few months.
Rare vagrants that are occasionally seen in forests in the northern part of the state
Late winter to early spring (February to April)
Where Can You See Owls in Georgia
In northern Georgia, Chicopee Woods Nature Preserve is a great place to see the Long-eared Owl, while in central Georgia, Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge is home to the Great Horned Owl, the Barn Owl, the Barred Owl, and the Short-eared Owl. However, these owls are only sometimes visible or even present year-round, so it is important to remember their breeding seasons, as that is when they are most likely to be around.