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Photos of Spotted Turtle

Spotted Turtle

Spotted Turtle is the only remaining Turtle species in the Clemmys genus. This semi-aquatic Turtle is found in different parts of the United States. It is quite peaceful in nature and makes a good pe

Pictures of Hartebeest


The hartebeest maybe somewhat odd in appearance, but are remarkably one of the fastest and enduring runners among antelopes. This grassland antelope is mostly found in west, east and southern regions

Images of Skipjack Tuna

Skipjack Tuna

Skipjack tuna is a medium sized fish with a distinguishing black strip from behind its back to the tail. Found abundantly in most parts of the world ocean, skipjack tuna has dominated the world tuna m

Photos of Springhare


Springhare is a mammal belonging to the Pedetes genus. Despite their name, these mammals are not actual hares but members of the Rodentia order. They are also known as Springhaas. This species is nati

Images of Star Nosed Mole

Star Nosed Mole

Star nosed Moles are the only member in the Condylurini tribe and the Condyluraone genus. These moles are among the most interesting creatures in existence with some unique qualities and abilities. T

Images of Manx Shearwater

Manx Shearwater

Manx Shearwater, a coastal migratory seabird, is a member of the shearwater family that consists of more than twenty different species. This is the most common shearwater species found around United K

Images of Ocean sunfish

Ocean sunfish

Ocean sunfish is the most odd looking fish species in the world. It is the largest and heaviest bony fish recorded. Though this fish species is not hunted commercially yet they are killed for their me

Photos of Spotted Eagle Ray

Spotted Eagle Ray

Spotted Eagle Ray is a species of cartilaginous fish belonging to the Myliobatidae or Eagle Ray family. They are one of the most beautiful Ray species in the world. Their interesting behavior patterns

Images of Bushpig


The Bushpig is a strong and stout species of pig family, commonly found in Southern and Eastern Africa. They are closely associated to the red river hog, another pig species that is also found in Afri