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Quaker Parrot (Monk Parakeet)

Quaker Parrot, also known by other names like Monk Parakeet and Quaker Parakeet, is an extremely intelligent species of social parrot originating from the Argentinian temperate to subtropical areas, a

African Clawed Frog

The African clawed frog is a species of aquatic frogs native to Africa marked with some unique behavior. These frogs are nocturnal and not active during the day. They got their name from the sets of t

Macaroni Penguin

The macaroni penguins are a species of big-sized penguin, said to be the most abundantly found species. They are aquatic birds, but they cannot fly, like other species of penguins. These penguins are

Pictures of Brook Trout

Brook Trout

Brook trout is a fish, belonging to the Salmoniformes order and Salmonidae family. It is also known as eastern brook trout, speckled trout and squaretail. A migrating population of the species inhabit

Pictures of Brown Anole

Brown Anole

Brown Anole is a Lizard species indigenous to the Bahamas and Cuba. Belonging to the Polychrotidae family and the Anolis genus, it has also been introduced in many US states. The lizard is quite popu

Images of American Crocodile

American Crocodile

The American crocodile, belonging to the Crocodylus genus, is one of the several crocodile species found in the North, Central as well as South America. Often confused with the similar species of Amer

Adelie Penguin

Adelie penguins were discovered in 1840 by two scientists, Hombron and Jacquinot, who were part of an Antarctic research team. They are named after the Adelie Land island where they were first sighte

Pictures of Pilot Whale

Pilot Whale

Pilot whales are large aquatic mammals belonging to the Globicephala genus. The genus consists of 2 extant species, the Short Finned Pilot Whale and the Long Finned Pilot Whale. Between these two spec

Photos of Tokay Gecko

Tokay Gecko

Tokay Gecko is a lizard belonging to the Gekkonidae family, native to the rainforests of Asia. They are one of the largest geckos found in the whole world. These reptiles are known by various names in