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Gaboon Viper

Gaboon viper is a dangerously venomous snake. It belongs to the Viperidae group. This reptile is the largest amongst the Bitis genus. They are also known to be the heaviest snakes of this family in th

Pictures of Wood Frog

Wood Frog

The Wood Frog is one such species that has ever so amused biologists and scientists. These tiny creatures are associated with an incredible ability of freeze tolerance; apart from this it also has int

Images of Kole Tang

Kole Tang

Kole Tang is a species of marine reef tangs belonging to the Acanthuridae family. Other names of this species include Yellow Eye Kole Tang, Yellow-Eye Tang, Goldeneye Tang and Spotted Surgeonfish. The

Images of Pickerel Frog

Pickerel Frog

Pickerel Frogs are the only native toxic frog species found in different regions of the United States. These medium sized frogs are often confused with another species called the Leopard Frogs. The Pi

Pictures of Gyrfalcon


Gyrfalcon is the largest bird of the falcon family. This commanding bird is a great beauty and is a grand predator. The bird is known for its calculative preying method. Description Length : Gyr

Images of Garganey


The Garganey is a species of small dabbling duck which breeds mostly in Europe and Asia. It is migratory in nature, thus moving to southern zones during winter. Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus describ

Photos of Hoary Marmot

Hoary Marmot

Hoary Marmots are large ground squirrels mainly found in the mountain regions of United States. These rodents are sometimes called “the whistlers” or “whistle pigs” because they make a low pit

Photos of White-tailed Deer

White-tailed Deer

White-tailed deer is a very adorable animal species. These deer are humble and helpless when threatened by predators. They have very few adaptive or defensive features. They are fun to play with. The

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