Small Birds

Birds come in all shapes and sizes, and this article is about those on the smaller side. These include birds like hummingbirds, warblers, and sparrows.

Small Birds

List of the Smallest Birds in the World

BirdSize (in inches)Where to See Them
Ruby-throated Hummingbird2.8-3.5Eastern United States and south-central and southeastern Canada
Spotted Pardalote3.1-3.9Australia
Lesser Goldfinch3.5-4.3From the southwestern United States to Venezuela and Peru
Ruby-crowned Kinglet3.5-4.3Canada and the western US
Anna’s Hummingbird3.9-4.0Western North America from southern Canada to northern Baja California
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher3.9-4.3From southern Ontario to Mexico
Carolina Chickadee3.9-4.7Several states in the US ( Florida, Kansas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Texas)
Chestnut-backed Chickadee3.9-4.7The Pacific Northwest
Northern Parula4.3-4.7Eastern North America
American Goldfinch4.3-5.1Throughout North America
Common Yellowthroat4.3-5.1Southern Canada to central Mexico
House Wren 4.3-5.1Canada to southernmost South America
Pine Siskin4.3-5.5Throughout North America
Diamond Firetail4.7-4.9From Southeast Queensland to the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia
Indigo Bunting4.7-5.1Southern Canada to northern South America
Red-eyed Vireo4.7-5.1Canada to South America
Yellow Warbler4.7-5.1North America, parts of the Caribbean and South America
Carolina Wren4.7-5.5Eastern United States
Yellow-rumped Warbler4.7-5.5Eastern North America, but also occasionally on the Pacific coast
Black-capped Chickadee4.7-5.9Canada and parts of the northern US
Chipping Sparrow4.7-5.9Throughout North America
Tree Swallow4.7-5.9Throughout North America
Song Sparrow4.7-6.7Canada and the US
Superb Fairywren5.0-5.5South-eastern Australia
House Finch5.1-5.5Western North America
White-breasted Nuthatch5.1-5.5From southern Canada to southern Mexico
Pink Robin5.5-5.7Australia, specifically New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Victoria
Dark-eyed Junco5.5-6.3Throughout North America
Tufted Titmouse5.5-6.3Eastern Canada to the eastern US
Cedar Waxwing5.5-6.7From southern Canada to northern South America
Downy Woodpecker5.5-6.7Most of Canada and the United States
Eastern Phoebe5.5-6.7Throughout North America
House Sparrow  5.9-6.7Worldwide except Antarctica
Golden-crowned Sparrow5.9-7.1Western North America
Gray Fantail6.3-6.5Australia, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands
White-throated Sparrow6.3-7.1Northern North America
Eastern Bluebird6.3-8.3Southern Canada to the Gulf states
Baltimore Oriole6.7-7.5Eastern United States and Central and northern South America
Great Crested Flycatcher6.7-8.3Eastern North America
Eastern Towhee6.8-8.2Eastern United States and southeast Canada


1. Which small birds mate for life?

The Carolina Wren is known to stay with their partners for their entire lives.