Turtles in Alaska

The northern state of Alaska is surrounded by frigid waters unsuitable for cold-blooded reptiles like turtles. Despite this, several sea turtles occasionally make their way to the state. The reason behind this is unknown – one reason could be the rising temperatures of the oceans due to global warming. Another possibility could be that the specimens seen had veered off course while swimming.

There are no terrestrial or freshwater turtles in Alaska.

Turtles in Alaska (AK)

Types of Turtles Found in Alaska

Sea Turtles (Cheloniidae)

Leatherback Sea Turtles (Dermochelyidae)


Are there any endangered turtles in Alaska?

All four of the sea turtles that have in Alaska are at risk to one degree or another. The IUCN lists the Green Turtle as “Endangered” or “EN” globally, while the Leatherback Turtle, the Olive Ridley Turtle, and the Loggerhead Turtle are “Vulnerable” or “VU.”

Where to see sea turtles in Alaska?

Alaska is not typically known for its sea turtles as they are not native to the waters surrounding the state.