Turtles in Louisiana

Louisiana is divided into two halves – the upper region with hills and woodlands and the lower alluvial part. The latter includes swamps, beaches, and coastal plains, proving ideal homes for both freshwater and saltwater turtles. Some of the turtles seen here include the Green Sea Turtle, the Alligator Snapping Turtle, and the Pond Slider.

Turtles in Louisiana (LA)

Types of Turtles Found in Louisiana

Sea Turtles (Cheloniidae)

Snapping Turtles (Chelydridae)

Leatherback Sea Turtles (Dermochelyidae)

Hawksbill Turtles (Eretmochelys)

Emydid Turtles (Emydidae)

Painted Turtles

Chicken Turtles

  • Eastern Chicken Turtle

Map Turtles

  • Northern Map Turtle
  • Ouachita Map Turtle
  • False Map Turtle
  • Pearl River Map Turtle
  • Ringed Map Turtle
  • Sabine Map Turtle



  • Eastern River Cooter

Box Turtles


Mud and Musk Turtles (Kinosternidae)

  • Eastern Mud Turtle
  • Razor-backed Musk Turtle 
  • Loggerhead Musk Turtle 
  • Eastern Musk Turtle (Stinkpot)
  • Striped-necked Musk Turtle 
  • Mississippi Map Turtle

Softshell Turtles (Trionychidae)

Tortoises (Testudinidae)


Are there any endangered turtles in Louisiana? 

The Gopher Tortoise is locally endangered in Louisiana due to habitat loss.