Turtles in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is bordered by several freshwater bodies like the Montreal River and Lake Superior in the north and Lake Michigan in the east. It also has a warm continental climate and plenty of forests along the Mississippi River. These make the state a great place for turtles to live, including the Painted Turtle, the Common Snapping Turtle, the Northern Map Turtle, the Ornate Box Turtle, and the Midland Smooth Softshell.

Turtles in Wisconsin (WI)

Types of Turtles Found in Wisconsin

Snapping Turtles (Chelydridae)

Emydid Turtles (Emydidae)

Painted Turtles

Map Turtles

  • Northern Map Turtle
  • Ouachita Map Turtle
  • False Map Turtle

Blanding’s Turtles

  •  Blanding’s Turtle

Box Turtles

Glyptemys Turtles

Mud and Musk Turtles (Kinosternidae)

  • Eastern Musk Turtle (Stinkpot)

Softshell Turtles (Trionychidae)

  • Midland Smooth Softshell
  • Eastern Spiny Softshell


Are there any endangered turtles in Wisconsin?

The Wood Turtle and the Ornate Box Turtle are both at risk within Wisconsin.