As many as ten woodpecker species are native to Virginia. The largest in the state is the pileated woodpecker, measuring a whopping 17.5 inches! In contrast, a length of only 6.1 inches makes the downy the smallest, but that doesn’t stop it from being the most common. All these birds except the yellow-bellied sapsucker reside in the state throughout the year. The sapsucker is a winter visitor breeding in the northern territories, as far as Canada.
Different Types of Woodpeckers Found in Virginia
Identifying Features
Where They Are Found in Virginia
Downy Woodpecker
Small size, white spots on black wings, white back
Common throughout forests, woodlands, and urban areas
Hairy Woodpecker
Larger than Downy, entirely black upperparts, white underside
Found in wooded areas, parks, and suburban neighborhoods
Northern Flicker
Medium-sized, brown with black bars on the back, white rump
Often seen in open habitats, fields, and along roadsides
Medium-sized, pale grayish-brown with black and white barring
Extremely rare visitor, occasionally seen in southern Virginia
Northern Virginia has all the woodpeckers in the above list except the red-cockaded (state and federal endangered), Gila, and Lewis’s woodpeckers – the rare species inhabiting the state.
Q. How do you remove woodpeckers in central Virginia?
Ans. Woodpeckers can cause damage to your home’s wooden structures, and many people find their loud drumming calls disturbing. If that is the case, it is best to adopt control measures as soon as you hear their drumming in close quarters. But remember, you cannot harm or kill them as the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects them.