The Roe Deer,
also called the European roe deer, western roe deer, chevreuil, or simply roe, is a species of small to medium
size deer found in the cold Eurasian regions. These deer are commonly seen in
zoological parks from around the world,
and are also hunted for their meat
(venison) that is known to be tasty.
Table of Contents
Scientific Classification
Capreolus capreolus
Table Of Content
Table of Contents
Scientific Classification
Capreolus capreolus
Table of Contents
Physical Description
Size: They stand at the height of 60 to 75 cm (2.1–2.5 ft) at the shoulders, with a body length of around 95–135 cm (3.1–4.4 ft).
Weight: With a
light body and a small skull (head), they can weigh anything between 15 and 35
kg (33 and 77 lb), depending on the size.
Fur: The adults display
a reddish brown coat during summer that becomes grey, pale brown or even black
in the winter months. They also have a characteristic black mustache stripe and a white chin.
Tail: Roe deer has
a very small tail, so short that it is often mistaken to be tailless.
Antlers (Horns): Healthy
males, in good conditions, develop antlers with a length of up to 20–25 cm
(8–10 in), with two or three, or rarely, even four points.
Roe Deer
Sexual Dimorphism: The
sexes do not display many noticeable
differences except that the rump patches on the female are heart-shaped, and on males, kidney-shaped.
This deer usually live for about ten years in the wild, and almost 15 in captivity.
The range of the roe deer is widespread in Europe, beginning
from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia, from Ireland to the Caucasus mountain
range, and east to northern regions of Iran and Iraq.
Roe deer are typically seen in the coniferous, open,
deciduous, or mixed woodlands as well as in moorland, and suburbs with large
Roe Deer Habitat
Roe Deer Image
Behavioral Characteristics
During the summer months, the male roe deer usually lead a
solitary life, wandering around alone. However, the females with newborn
offspring live in groups, especially
during this season. During winter, almost all live in family groups.
The composition of these groups largely vary. In forest biotopes, the members of a group can be
anything between 40 and 90, whereas, in
open biotopes, it can be as less as 10-15. When they are surprised, alarmed or
threatened, they emit a barking sound or call, much like a dog, flashing out their
white rump patch, and then jumping away at a the
speed of up to 60 kmph (37 mph).
The number of members in a group depends mainly on factors
like distribution and abundance of food resources, as well as cover. In summer,
these animals disperse throughout their territories, while in winter, they focus
mainly on the areas of foraging.
The males are territorial. Every year, during the mating
season, they get involved in fights. The competition usually takes place
between an adult male from one territory and a younger male that targets a
neighboring territory. Such fights can lead to serious injuries and even death.
These herbivorous animals have a broad diet that varies greatly,
depending on the time of year. It includes the leaves of weeds, acorns, fungi,
deciduous shrubs and trees, cereals, conifers and various types of ferns.
Roe Deer Buck
Roe Deer Female
Reproduction and Life Cycle
The breeding season, also called ‘rut’, falls between mid-July and mid-August, when the males (bucks) turn
highly aggressive, vigorously defending their territories, getting engaged in
fights, locking their antlers, and pushing and twisting.
The winner then mates
with a female after a courtship that involves
the male chasing the female (doe) for some time until the doe is ready to for mating.
After the gestation period of about ten months, the female gives birth to one to three kids in around May
or June. Birth of twins is very common.
The young deer are left alone during the day hours for the initial six weeks of
their lives. After this period, the juveniles can stay by their mother’s side,
though the reason is yet not known.
Both the male and the female fawns (young deer) disperse as
they begin to attain maturity. However, females
tend to stay closer to the range of their mother than the males. The young roe deer attain the age of sexual maturity
typically at around 14 months.
Baby Roe Deer
Group of Roe Deer
The development of the
eggs in the mother’s womb during winter, despite their mating season is in summer, is thought to be an
adaptation to prevent the birth of the baby in the harsh climatic
conditions of the winter.
Unlike the adults, the
infants have spotted coats that help them to camouflage in the forest when
they are left alone for about six weeks after their birth.
The enemies of the roe deer in the wild are few since their
natural predators, the wolf, and the
lynx, are now extinct in Britain.
Conservation Status
Considering their static rise in population, the IUCN 3.1
has enlisted them as ‘LC’ (Least Concern).
Roe Deer Antlers
Roe Deer Skull
Interesting Facts
The roe deer became
extinct in the UK except in Scotland
during the 18th century, after which it was reintroduced to the rest of the country during the 19th
The roe deer is the world’s
only hoofed animal to have a ‘delayed implantation’ (i.e., the fertilized
eggs beginning to develop only in winter).