Least Weasels are small-sized mammals of Mustelidae family which occurs in a huge range all over the world. This animal may have a small built but it is a great hunter, which efficiently raids the trees and the grounds for food.
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Scientific Classification
Mustela nivalis
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Scientific Classification
Mustela nivalis
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There have been numerous illustrations of this animal in Ancient folklores from Macedonia and Inuit Mythology. It has evolved from a larger structure into this miniscule form over millions of years, having survived through the Ice Age to present day.
It has a slender elongated body, measuring between 4 and 10 inches.
A female may weigh around 4.3 pounds, with a minimum of 0.8 pounds. Males are heavier, weighing between 1.5 and 8.7 pounds.
It has an oval shaped long head which resembles that of a ferret. It has short ears and paws equipped with pointed claws. It is covered with a furry coat which is around 0.6 inches thick.
Its color varies according to its geographical location but it usually has dark brown or sandy hues. They have a white belly.
Its range includes Europe, North America, Asia, and North Africa, with some populations in Crete, Azore Islands, Malta, and even New Zealand, Japan, and Russia’s Sakhalin Islands.
They favor many different habitats ranging from hedges, woods, meadows, farmlands, semi desert areas to the tundra, coastal dunes, and prairies. It takes refuge in the dens made in the crevices of trees or roots as well as vacant dens of other animals.
Like many other species, they scent mark their territories by using urine, secretions of the dermal glands, and excreta.
It makes use of deserted burrows once inhabited by rats or moles and makes its own home there.
When they are out foraging, they prefer areas having covers or ample place to hide from predators.
They raid grasslands and other foraging regions during the day in search of prey.
They hoard food for the winters when availability of food can be reduced.
Males and females both hold distinct territories that are gender-based and do not allow interference of members of the other gender.
It is a fierce predator, defeating its prey by biting its neck.
These weasels eat small rodents, lizards, worms, fish, salamanders, and eggs of birds, but can even bring down prey that’s bigger than themselves, such as rabbits.
Least Weasel Image
It is vulnerable due to its size, facing threats from eagles, owls, red foxes, steppe, stoats, forest polecats, and great horned owls. Few raptors also feed on them, including rough-legged and broad-winged buzzards. Some species of snakes prey on them as well.
Their small body helps protects themselves from larger animals by hiding into crevices.
It can also hunt easily by diving into cracks and burrows of rodents.
The outer surface of its body has a shiny coat of fur, which prevents it from getting soaked during rain.
For keeping the body warm during winters, it has another layer of fur just below the shiny top layer.
To keep warm, they can roll into a ball shape.
They are skilled tree climbers.
Good eyesight and a superb olfactory system aids them in locating their prey.
Mating Season
These weasels mate in the months of April, May and July.
A gestation period of 35 to 47 days is normal for these weasels, after which the kits are born in litters of up to 6. It usually happens two times per year. During this season, both genders find their partners and coexist.
Baby Least Weasel
Life Cycle
They are born with a weight varying between 1 and 4 grams. Born blind and deaf, they have a smooth body devoid of fur which they gain after a few days. In the next 3 weeks, they wean completely and they are able to hear and see.
They continue to lactate till they are 12 weeks old. The kits follow their mothers during her foraging for food. A litter size comprises 6 kits which attain sexual maturity very early by 4 months of age. If they mate in the first year, the success rate is low, however.
Life Span
It has a very short lifespan as the mortality is high during their early years. Although they can live for 4 to 6 years, they usually don’t survive more than a year in the wild.
Conservation Status
Due to their prevalence, they have been listed as “Least Concern” species by IUCN Redlist.
Interesting Facts
Legends consider them to have magical powers which were potent enough to instill life in dead bodies.
It was also believed that they could charm their prey by making dance-like movements.
It was considered to be a good omen by ancient Macedonians.
Mentions of this mammal can be found in Inuit mythology, wherein it was perceived as a courageous and highly intelligent creature.
Their fur glows under UV light.
Its small size is can be misleading – they can easily kill a rabbit almost 10 times heavier than itself.