The Megamouth shark is among the rarest species of shark. Along with the whale shark and the basking shark, it is considered one of the gentle giants of the sea because of its slow-moving nature and non-aggressive behavior towards humans.
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Scientific Classification
M. pelagios
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Scientific Classification
M. pelagios
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The first-ever specimen was discovered relatively recently, on November 15, 1976. This particular megamouth got entangled in the nets of the US Navy ship AFB-14, 25 miles off the coast of Hawai’i. Biologist Leighton Taylor, who examined it, gave the shark its name because of its 3 feet wide mouth.
Megamouth Shark
Size: Length- Males: 13 ft (4 m) Females: 16 ft (5 m)
Weight: 1651.98 lb. (750 kg)
Body and Coloration: It has a stout and cylindrical body, with a long bulbous head and an asymmetrical tail. Megamouths have enormous mouths with 50 rows of teeth in their upper jaw and 75 rows in their lower jaw. The rows of teeth are higher in males than females.
Its dorsal region is brownish-black, with a white underside and a bright silvery-white upper lip.
This rare species was spotted in the depths of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, with the most sightings observed in Japan, the Philippines, the Hawaiian Islands, and Taiwan. Specimens have also been found in California, Indonesia, Vietnam, Ecuador, Brazil, Senegal, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa, and the continent of Australia.
The megamouth shark is a deep-sea dweller, found at a depth of 15,000 ft. Scientists believe that it returns closer to the surface at night to follow its prey.
Megamouth Shark Habitat
Megamouth Shark Image
It is a filter feeder, drawing water through its open mouth and trapping small species like krill, plankton, copepods, jellyfish, and shrimp.
Because of its rarity, their lifespan remains unknown.
This shark is a poor swimmer and less active compared to other filter-feeding sharks.
They undergo vertical migration, diving deep during the day and swimming to the surface after sunset.