The Minke Whale,
also called the Little Piked Whale
or, Lesser Rorqual, is a whale that
is found almost everywhere in the world in two distinct species and at least
two subspecies. These are a type of ‘baleen whale’ that are relatively smaller
than many other whale species. Minkes are the smallest members of the rorquals or ‘great whales’ group.
Size: The males have an average length of 6.9 m (23 ft) and females 8 m (26 ft), respectively.
Weight: In both the
sexes, the typical weight of the adults is 4–5 t (3.9–4.9 long tons; 4.4–5.5
short tons).
Body: They usually have a black, purplish or dark-gray
coloration above (on the dorsal side) and white underneath (ventral side), and
have between 240 and 360 baleen plates on both sides of their head, close to
the mouth.
Minke Whale
Sexual Dimorphism: There
are no pronounced differences between the sexes of the minke whales, except
that the females are somewhat larger by size than their male counterparts.
The estimated lifespan of the minke whales is up to 50
Classification of Species & Subspecies
The minke whales have been
categorized into two species:
The Common minke whale (northern minke whale) Balaenoptera acutorostrata, which are further categorized into
three regional subspecies, viz.
The North Atlantic minke whale,
North Pacific minke whale, and
dwarf minke whale;
(NB: Some biologists, however, argue, that the subspecies ‘North Pacific’
and the ‘dwarf’ are one and the same.)
The Antarctic minke whale (southern minke whale) Balaenoptera bonaerensis.
Common Minke Whale
Dwarf Minke Whale
Differences between the Northern &
Southern Minke Whales
The Northern or common minke whales have a white band on
each of its flippers, which is not present in the Southern or Antarctic minkes.
Range/Distribution & Habitat: Where do Minke
Whales Live
The common minke whale occurs in all the oceans of the world,
ranging from the polar waters to the tropical, whereas the Antarctic minkes are found in all the oceans of the southern
hemisphere. Both the species prefer both the coastal and the offshore waters of
the oceans.
Minke Whale Habitat
Minke Whale Breaching
These mammals are basically
solitary creatures and move alone. Before taking
a dive in the deep, they breathe around three to five times at short
intervals. Each dive can last for anything between two to twenty minutes, after
which they need to float up again for inhaling air.
The maximum swimming speed of these whales is around 38 kmph (24 mph). Both the species migrate during
specific seasonal changes, heading towards the poles during spring and towards
the warmer waters of the tropics during fall and winter.
The difference in
seasonal timing refrains them from mixing
with each other. In a long-term photo-identification study conducted on coasts
of British Columbia and Washington showed that a few individuals could cover distances of up to 424 km north during
springtime, and 398 km south during the autumn. However, many information about their ways of migration are
still unknown.
Diet: What Do Minke Whales Eat
They are primarily ichthyophagous (fish-eating) species that
mostly seem to prefer species like capelin, cod, herring, and pollock. However, their diet also includes
pelagic crustaceans and cephalopods, which varies by season, region, and age.
Reproduction & Life Cycle
The sexual behavior of these creatures is not properly
known. Mating and calving normally probably occurs during the winter season.
The female minkes typically give birth to one single baby (called calf), after
a gestation period of 10 to 11 months. The newborn juvenile is around 8 to 11.5
feet in length, with a weight of about 700 to 1,000 pounds.
The young whales are weaned
after about 4 to 6 months. A female is usually ready to give birth to the next
offspring after 14 months. The babies and the mothers are usually seen in the lower latitudes.
The estimated age of sexual maturity of these mammals is
between 3 and 8 years of age (7 to 8
years for Antarctic minkes). This is
about when these whales attain a length of about 23 feet.
Antarctic Minke Whale
Iceland Minke Whale
Their digestive system is composed of four compartments that
have a high density of anaerobic bacteria, which suggests that these mammoth
mammals rely on microbial digestion in order to
extract the nutrients provided by their consumed
Much like the odontocetes, these whales have fat depositions
in their jaws that help them in the reception of sounds and calls in the deep
waters of the ocean.
Predators & Enemies
The most common predator of these whales is the killer
whale. However, they are also hunted by humans for their oil.
Conservation Status
The IUCN 3.1 has declared the common minke whale as ‘LC’ or
Least Concern, and the Antarctic minke
whale as ‘NT’ or Near Threatened.
Minke Whale Image
Minke Whale Picture
Interesting Facts
The name ‘Minke’ is thought to be a partial translation of the Norwegian word minkehval, which is probably after Meincke – a Norwegian whaler – who mistook a northern minke whale for a blue whale.
The auditory system of these whales has not yet been understood well by the scientists.
The minkes can be so curious that they are known even to approach ships, or at times, even keeping up with moving vessels.