
Threadfin species belong to Polynemidae family. This species has huge importance both as a bait fish and as a food fish. Small Threadfins are used by anglers as bait. It has nine genera and 33 species.

Scientific Classification


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Scientific Classification


Threadfin Description

The size of Threadfins may be from 20 centimeters to 200 centimeters depending on the species. The dorsal fin has 10 – 13 rays while the anal fin has 20 – 25 rays. The most important feature of their body is their pectoral fins which have two distinct sections. Species like royal threadfin’s thread like rays extend up to its tail fin. The color of the fish is silvery grey.

Threadfin Picture
Picture 1 – Threadfin

Threadfin Distribution

This species is mostly found in the tropical and subtropical oceans across the world.

Threadfin Habitat

Threadfins prefer to inhabit shallow open water with sandy or muddy bottoms. They are rarely spotted near reefs.

Threadfin Adaptation

This species can tolerate various range of salt level in the water. This is the reason why they find it easier to inhabit estuaries and rivers.

Threadfin Diet

This species feed on plankton, crustaceans and small fishes.

Photos of Threadfin
Picture 2 – Threadfin Photo

Threadfin Behavior

Threadfins like to form large schools. This is also the reason why it becomes easier for the fishermen to catch this species.

Threadfin Reproduction

It is believed that they breed throughout the year. Females lay small buoyant eggs in to the water. Eggs tend to float with the current till they are hatched.

Threadfin Life span

Depending on the species, the lifespan varies from 2 to 7 years.

Threadfin Predator

Their predators include large and medium sized sea species like sharks.

Threadfin Pictures

Here are some pictures of this species:

Pictures of Threadfin
Picture 3 – Threadfin Picture

Images of Threadfin
Picture 4 – Threadfin Image

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